Christian Character Formation

Character is an internal energy that inspires us to act, restrains us from acting, and gives us the wisdom or moral compass to know when each action is appropriate. When character is acquired and held internally, people lead virtuous lives with greater purpose. When character is not acquired or held internally, well…the stories are all over the news every day.

At CCLS, we are intentional about character formation. The Christian Character Formation Project (CCFP) is a Biblically based program that seeks to train students and adults alike to live Christ-centered, fulfilling and virtuous lives as serving leaders. Individual character is acquired in the larger context of Scripture and the fulfillment of God’s given plan for students in the classroom, community, and country.

This program differs from other character formation programs because its emphasis is not only behavior modification, but it aims to go further by creating Christ-centered intrinsically motivated individuals whose character transcends context and consequences.

The CCFP is a Biblically based journey that equips and trains children and the adults around them to live Christ-centered, fulfilling lives for Greater Purpose. The curriculum grounds one’s Identity in God’s sure and certain Word, while exploring one’s Purpose and activating one’s faith in love towards God and others. The CCFP has the power to transform lives, both young and old, through the study of God’s Word. There is nothing more important that we do in our Christian school than teach kids about their Identity in Christ, their Purpose of making God known in the world, and how these truths play out in their everyday Actions to advance the Greater Purpose of God’s kingdom.

With this unique system, the program is inherently intrinsic. Character grows not because an adult is insisting it must, but rather in the life of a Christian, this comes through the power of the Holy Spirit working within the Christian. Moreover, virtue is not an end in itself but rather a means to fulfill a purpose greater than oneself. By living virtuous lives, children of God make God known to the world.

To find out more about the Christian Character Formation Project click the link below:


Character Connection Podcast

Character Connections is an informal, engaging podcast that explores the weekly Bible story your child hears in class and shares easy ways to take it home. Each 10 minute episode is a conversation between CCLS parents (Dr. Matt Hoehner and Jessica Bordeleau MAR) that give parents and teachers the tools to mentor their children in the classroom and at home! Subscribe today!


The early childhood program at CCLS partners with families and congregations to provide academic excellence and Christ-centered care for our littlest learners. Surrounded by the love of Jesus, your child will develop respect for self and others. 

Elementary School

In the elementary grades, students are developing their academic and social skills. They are learning how to become empowered learners through critical and creative thinking. CCLS supports development by not only preparing students academically, but growing the whole child.

Middle School

The CCLS middle school is composed of grades fifth through eighth, purposefully leveraging fifth grade as a transitioning year. A subtle use of block scheduling and increased class length prepares students for the next few years in middle school.